He's a repaint of Scoop in Constructicon colors. This mold got its other Targetmaster partner back when it was redecoed into BotCon 2015 Sgt. In-package, his badge was (somehow) possible to be scanned, but this was restricted by a dummy sticker. Scanning the sticker unlocks Roadblock in the Transformers Chronicle checklist app. His scannable insignia is on the top of his scoop bucket. The most likely explanation for this is that the other figure (Holepunch) was mostly cast in a plastic color not shared by Scoop himself or the other figure, thus making it easy to omit the figure (for, say, budget reasons) without ending up with lots of excess plastic parts. Although the original Scoop sculpt came with two Targetmaster partners, Roadblock only has one. Targetmaster can be hand-held or mounted on any of the 5mm holes on Roadblock's armor. He comes with his partner, Targetmaster, who transforms into his gun. Part of the initial wave of Adventure product, Roadblock is a redeco of Generations Autobot Scoop in Constructicon colors, transforming into a payloader. He's backed up by his tiny partner Targetmaster, though frankly those two don't get along either, Roadblock seeing the diminutive blaster-bot as a lesser life-form. The pair really don't work well together, as Roadblock is slow both physically and mentally, which quickly gets on Greejeeber's nerves. Roadblock (ロードブロック Rōdoburokku) is a powerful Decepticon fighter who typically teams up with Greejeeber on missions, but why they do so is anyone's guess.