Dorothy Ann does a report on this planet. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun, and is the first of the gas giants with its storm, the Great Red Spot. The fourth planet from the Sun, known as the red planet. The only location in the solar system that astronauts have landed on. Janet does a report on this planet for extra credit. Frizzle and her class start on before they go on the field trip. The third planet from the Sun, and where Ms. The second planet from the Sun, and the hottest due to its heat-trapping atmosphere, which is composed of sulfuric acid, and named after Aphrodite/Venus, the Græco-Roman Goddess of Love. The first planet from the Sun and the closest to it, named after Hermes/Mercury, the messenger of the Graeco-Roman gods. The class visits each the planets and/or moons in order to find Ms. After getting three, the player will have to try to guess which planet or moon she's on. For each token they find, she will give them a clue. They'll have to play the games on the planets and moons and win tokens. She then contacts her class and tells them how to find her. Frizzle goes missing after the bus gets hit by a meteor shower. But it turns out to instead be a field trip up into outer space to explore the solar system. Frizzle takes her class, and Arnold's cousin, Janet, on a field trip to the planetarium.